1. Pharma
1. 邵俊茹:pengjiantsc 菅鹏 | pharma 邵俊茹 | phwwan 彭洪文
2. 医药学:46.e Kartonage 纸盒,包装材料 | 47.Pharma 医药学 | 48.Chemikalie 化学药剂
Pharma 双语例句1. Dalian Aosen Pharmaceutical Factory is a GMP comphrehensive Pharmaceutical manufacturer. It engages in research, development and production of bulk pharmaceuticals and their relevant intermediates. Aosen Pharma has strong products as: Balsalazide, Benproperine Phosphate, Poly Saccharide Sulphate, Dimethoxanate, Ozagrel, N-(4-nitrobenzoyl)-β-alanine, N-(4-aminobenzoyl)-β-alanine, 2-benzyl-acrylic acid.
2. Our Friend, Big Pharma - Are you completely confident in the company that made those pills you take?
3. He said Teijin would be developing febuxostat themselves for the Asian market, as well as collaborating with other pharma companies.
4. It is considered that plant tissue culture is an important method to alleviate human\'s demand, while biological and chemical compound are ultimate methods to solve the problem of pharma ceutical source.
5. They admit that they have requirements of clinical pharmaˉceutical service, but at the same time they doubt of the pharmacists\'capability, and they are just willing to accept the service selectively.
6. Before add scale and corrosion inhibitor in power plant circulating cooling water system, for different needs of pharma- ceutical, and according to the quality of water on-site to do the selection and evaluation.
7. Patent term extension and exclusivity are the two central sui generis rights of pharma- ceutical intellectual property.
8. Shanghai Tian Yang Chemistry and lndustry Pharma ceutical Mechanism Factory, subject to Shanghai Qing Shun Machine Model Co Ltd, is professional in manufacturing dies and fittings of all kinds of pressing machine.
9. 2At least 5 years related experience, and 2 years on pharma or food plant utility operation and maintenance of automatic control system.
10. The bottles that Med-Health Pharma repackages are for sale primarily to doctors.
11. Pharma
11. Big Pharma typically powers their trials at no less than 80 percent.
12. Pharma
12. The Swiss Zuellig Pharma Group is the leading company in this industry in all of Asia, conducting businesses in 13 countries for more than 60 years.
13. The Swiss Zuellig Pharma Group is the leading company in this industry in all of Asia, conducting businesses in 13 ries f me than 60 years.
14. Bayer Schering Pharma China is one multinational pharmaceutical company that has taken meaningful steps to expand beyond big city hospitals and penetrate the rural and community areas.
15. Novartis Pharma AG, Chemical and Analytical Development, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
16. It is produced by Rottendorf Pharma GmbH and has good curative effect on prostatic hypertrophy, chronic prostatitis, frequency urination, etc.
17. In this study, we used the DNA samples from collected by the Pharma SNP consortium, a DNA Bank.
本项研究使用的DNA样本来自专门的基因库——Pharma SNP consortium。
18. Now, it is gleaming in all the avenues of growth like Tourism, IT, Manufacturing and Pharma.
19. Pharma
19. The juicy profits enjoyed by big pharma in the US are part of the reason that healthcare costs there are so high.
20. Pharma
20. Certainly, the juicy profits enjoyed by big pharma in the US are part of the reason that healthcare costs there are so high.
1. China Pharma Holdings Inc said Tuesday its net income rose 23 percent in the second quarter on sales of a newly launched generic heartburn drug.
2. Purdue Pharma stopped its hydrocodone study early because of the abnormal liver tests.
3. WPCS 2009 is one of the major international functions that link pharma executives from all over the world together.
4. To date, all of Shanghai Pharma\'s acquisitions have been in China.
5. China Pharma Holdings started selling a version of omeprazole in the fourth quarter of 2009.
6. Beijing Yu Sheng Tang Pharmaceutical Group said it is in talks to dispose of its pharma business.
7. USA for Innovation appears to have indirect ties with Big Pharma, according to their websites.
8. Mitsubishi Chemical took full control of Mitsubishi Pharma Corp drugs unit for 200 billion yen in 2005.
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